The ad universe is blowing apart, right? Social media and web design is so different from old media like billboards and postcards, right?
This week, I came upon the website for ThoughtWorks, an 'atypical' software firm that shows how the same design principles that work for postcards, can work for a web page.
Take a look at the site's eight banners that scroll across the homepage.
Each banner is tasked with calling attention to an issue, and piquing your interest to find out more. Each banner is, essentially, a postcard.
I was so impressed with the quality, and the diversity of the concepts, I added some drop shadow and present them to you here, as postcards. (They may not be postcards, per se; but they certainly are their progeny.)
For a postcard designer, they certainly are inspirational.
Technology Radar discussion of tech trends
from ThoughtWorks:
Building Suncorp's Continuous Delivery Initiative
from ThoughtWorks:
Creating Which? Cellphone Comparison Website
from ThoughtWorks:
Developing Competitive Advantage for McClaren
from ThoughtWorks:
Joint marketing website for Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
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Mobile Health for Women
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One-day training for Amazon Web Services
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Working with Rackspace Hosting
from ThoughtWorks: